Monday, February 1, 2010

Comics, Cartoons, and Iconography -- Feb 1, 2010

This lengthy article goes into detail about the effects of icons and cartoons have on today's society. Simple icons such as the Target logo and the Nike swoosh have 'infiltrated' the human mind so much so, that they are often associated with said products with little to no thought.

The article also goes into detail about the effects that comic books and their respective characters have on their readers. Nine times out of ten, one can readily associate with a cartoon image as opposed to a realistic likeness. This can be attributed to the conditioning we received as children while watching cartoon shows. In doing such actions, later on in our adult lives we tend to picture ourselves as the characters, because they lack a specific mold, they in real life could be anyone.

In terms of comics, the iconography isn't as broad as say the Target logo....

The Batman character since its inception in the early 20th century has evolved in ways Bob Kane probably never imagined, however the overall look and feel of the character has remained the same. Regardless of how he character looks in terms of build, the bat icon on his chest largely remains the same, the iconic figure is so revered that when they tried to update in the 90's it was met with massive uproar.

The article then goes on to describe iconic abstraction, which is used to varying degrees in society. The medium in which all of this occurs is not surprisingly the television. But with the advents of technology over the past several decades that may soon change, but the icons which we see day to day will most likely stay the same in one form or fashion.

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