Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Swastika -- Jan. 26, 2010

The Swastika There likely is no other icon associated with so much fear and hatred in the world than the swastika. Interestingly enough the swastika was never intended for such a dubious purpose. Having the distinction for being associated with hatred the logo is also the oldest known to man. The overall design is also known as a sun-wheel, getting its name from the Sanskrit word svastika, meaning "well being." Initially seen as a peaceful symbol the cultural identity behind the design permanently changed in the early 1920's when Adolf Hitler adopted the design/emblem as the logo for the National Socialist Workers Party (aka the Nazi's).

Long after the end of the Na
zi era in 1945, the symbol would never be able to shake off the stigma it had received. The only way this could ever be possible is if one were top rewrite history eliminating easily one of the most controversial icons known to man. There have been attempts to revitalize the swastika as a more peaceful sign as evidenced by the depictions below, one being an non-Nazi swastika and the other part of a sign used in an attempt to stop the E.U.C. ban on the use of the icon (artists/date unknown).

In my opinion however, having links to Judaism, there is no way this once simple design could ever dissociated with the horrors Hitler partook in, no matter what direction it spins nor colors used.

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